There are a total of 19 options available in the above dialog:

  • Anova: Two-Factor with Replication

  • Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

  • Correlation

  • Covariance

  • Descriptive Statistics

  • Exponential Smoothing

  • F-Test Two Sample for Variance

  • Fourier Analysis

  • Histogram

  • Moving Average

  • Random Number Generation

  • Rank and Percents

  • Regression

  • Sampling

  • t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  • t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

  • t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

  • Z-Test: Two-Samples for Mean

  • Free Data Analysis Toolpak For Mac Excel 2016

    In addition to accessing these features via the above dialogyouwill find many new statistical functions to the available functionlist.

    To use these toolsyou need to be familiar with the specific areaof statistics or engineering that you want to develop analyses for. Thefollowing locations provide detailed explanations on using the abovetools:

    If you prefer a book,Running Microsoft Excel 2000 by MarkDodge and Craig Stinsonand published by Microsoft Press, goes into great detailon the Analysis ToolPak. It most likely is available

    How To Add Data Analysis Tool Pack To Excel

    Alternatives to the Analysis ToolPak